Thursday, May 5, 2011

Issue 5 (May 5, 2011)

Believe it or not, more things happened over the past week than the Osama jazz.


-Not sure if you heard or not, but the CIA led an operation using 2 dozen Navy SEALS to storm Osama's "secret" compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan and shot him in the chest and the fucking eye.

-The White House has stated that it will not release the pictures of Osama, giving the reason that they are extremely gruesome (piece of skull missing and visible brain matter) and could provoke attacks against troops and more anti-American rhetoric. He made the analogy that it would be like spiking the football after a touchdown and that we don't want to release it as a "trophy".

-Pakistan is under widespread western criticism about how close Osama was to the capital, Islamabad and to the Pakistan's version of West Point, which was located in the same city as his compound.

-Reaction across the Arab world as been relatively quiet with regimes issuing reserved statements, if at all, in fears they could provoke protests in their own countries about becoming an American lackey. There were a couple of street groups hailing Osama as a hero, but they were rare and each were small groups.

-In information found at his compound, there apparently were idea notes on to attack the US's railroad system by trying to derail trains over bridges and by valleys on the anniversary of 9/11. The administration stressed that these were only preliminary ideas and pose no credible threat.

-In a hilarious street group interview, a group of local Pakistani's told a CNN reporter they didn't believe Osama was killed in Pakistan and that he died in Afghanistan 10 years ago. They then said if it really happened why wouldn't the US release the pictures but then the CNN reported asked if the pictures were released would they believe it and they all said "no".

-Beyond that, do me a favor and ignore 90% of the media coverage on this, beyond any new information on who in Pakistan's military/intelligence agencies knew where Osama was or al-Qaeda's reaction is all politicking and bullshit.

White House Correspondents Dinner
-If you guys didn't see Obama's or Seth Myer's (from SNL) speech at this dinner, you should watch them, they are both hilarious.


Iranian Power Struggle
-As of April 30th, Ahmadinejad has apparently boycotted his official duties for 8 days (thus far), cancelling cabinet meetings and not showing up at his office. Supposedly it is in response to the Ayatollah Khamenei reinstating a cabinet member he had ousted, spurring rumors there is a power struggle underway between the President and the Ayatollah (the Ayatollah holds power over the Presidency).

-The government of Bashar al-Assad has pretty much all legitimacy in the south of the country as over 600 people have been killed by the security services. Of the 600, over half have been killed in Deraa (where the protests started).

-Reports that tanks have surrounded the city and cut off supplies to the city and have been occasionally shelling the old city.

-UN is considering economic sanctions against the country, the US have frozen assets of top officials and Turkey has become louder in its criticism on the violence the regime has been using, however large scale crackdowns on dissent, including wholesale massacres, is relatively frequent in Syria's history.

-Pretty much still a stalemate, Misrata still sucks balls to be in, although it is still controlled by the rebels. Reports that an aid ship taking in foreign oil workers and injured out of the city was attacked by government forces.

-A NATO missile struck a Qaddafi compound killed a few of his grandchildren and one of his prominent sons, Saif, who commanded an elite unit of Qaddafi troops.The move was largely seen as a shot across the bow of Qaddafi to get him to stop being a jackass.

Brazil Has More Gay Rights Than the US Does
-Brazil's Supreme Court has ruled that gay couples should have the same rights as married heterosexual couples.

-Yes, an emerging country that is largely Catholic has more rights for gays than American does. Thanks America's religious right.

France Tries to Be Relevant
-Sarkozy stated that France could recognize the Palestinian state (with the Hamas-Fatah unity government I mentioned the other week) if the Israel-Palestinian peace negotiations continued to go nowhere.

-While this is meant to coax Israel back to the negotiation table, this could backfire monumentally if it emboldens the Palestinians to not offer up any concessions to return to the negotiations, as it would be a HUGE milestone if a western country recognized the territory as a sovereign state.

As reported by Jason Van Thiel.

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